Tips From The Tour
It goes without saying that players who compete on the PGA Tour are the best in the world. Not only do they have impressive natural talent, but every guy out there spends a tremendous amount of time and effort working on his technique, strategy and fitness. For those of us not fortunate enough to be able to spend all day, every day improving our all around game, this opportunity seems like a dream come true. For the players on Tour, however, its a job that they take seriously, and one thats both extremely competitive and tough.
Recreation golfer who play the game for fun might not have the same level of talent or time to invest in the game of golf as Tour players do, but they can still learn a lot form the guys on Tour. When he teach his student, for example, I constantly use Tour swings to illustrate the proper technique, regardless of whether the student in question has Tour-like ability. The point is, if youre serious about learning to do it the right way, theres no better place to learn than from the best, because the technique they use have proven to work.
1.Get down on it ( Learn to maintain a constant spine angle like Ernie Els, and your balance, ball striking and accuracy will improve immediately)
Tour pros are extremely good at maintaining their posture during the swing. The obvious benefit on this is consistent contact with the center of the face, as well as outstanding arm extension and compressed iron shots. In contrast, amateurs tend to lose their spine angle both in the backswing and the downswing, which leads to a number of poor shots : becoming excessively bent over creates fat shots and chicken wings, while becoming too upright leads to shanks and thin shots. Ernie Els shows how its done correctly. His hips are rotating left to make room through impact while his chest stay out on top of the ball. This ensures the club will bottom out past the ball and create the space necessary to extend the arms after impact. Work on maintaining your swing, and your ball striking should improve dramatically.
2.Wood Cutting
Tour players make a lot of birdies by reaching par-5s in two, largely because of their prodigious driving distance, but also because of their proficiency with fairway woods. To improve your fairway wood play, forget about drawing the ball and learn to hit a controlled fade. Not only is this shot easier to get airborne, but a fade lands more softly and has a better change of staying on the green. Also, a cut shots is easier to control, and adding it to your arsenal will promote aggressive play. To execute a cut shot with a fairway wood, set up with a slightly open stance and place the ball a bit more forward than normal. Concentrate on making contact with the back of the ball, or even a bit on the outside of it, and try to swing slightly across the target line. Focus on making solid contact instead of swinging as hard as you can and youll be surprised how far this type of shot will travel. Even if you dont reach the green, plenty of easy birdies will result.
3.Make every Putt Straight
There are few shots more daunting for professionals and amateurs alike than a short left-to-right-breaking putt. Professionals deal with these putts much more successfully by turning them into straight putts instead of fighting the break. How do they do it? Simply by picking a target other than the hole that represents the apex of the break. In this putt, Tiger is aiming several cups to the left of the actual cup. He starts the ball directly at this target and allows the slope to work the ball into the hole. When you try this technique, keep in mind that the spot you pick is largely dependent on the speed at which you choose to roll the putt.
(c) 2007 Sharon Benaiah All Rights Reserved
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