
Sunday, June 29, 2008

How Does Yoga Reduce Your Stress?

...xins from the body. Yoga also helps clear the mind and spirit. Asana (posture), pranayama (breathing) and dhyana (meditation) will help release muscular tension which leads to better stress management and generates an overall feeling of well being.

Yoga resting poses help to release abdominal tension, allowing improved digestive functions. The yoga resting poses also allow the body to enter into a relaxed calm state, which is free from the fight or flight stress, which also helps the body to rejuvenate itself. Yoga also helps create focus, which allows our mind to relax and clear negative thoughts.

For those who just now discovering yoga, it truly is the best exercise method that not only increases your bodys strength, but will reduce your stress levels and improve your mental health.


Yoga, Is It For You? Some Of Your Questions Answered

...If you practice yoga even only once a week, for an hour each time, you will definitely feel the benefits. The more you practice the more benefits you will feel. Start with what you are comfortable with, if you can manage to practice two or three times a week, for an hour or more, this would be much better for you.

Unlike other forms of exercise, yoga doesn't have the after sessions 'hurts'. You should only practice yoga to where you feel comfortable with your movements. Do not overdo any of the postures or positions. You will feel the difference soon enough and your wish to keep this feeling will most likely have you doing regular sessions daily.

Learning the correct way to breathe is a...more

Kids Yoga: Enhanced Goal Setting Techniques

...for all of us, and children are naturally competitive by nature.

Keeping the above points in mind, Yoga teachers should design classes for children that contain Yoga Games. Sure - parents are paying for Yoga classes, but how do you capture a childs imagination for 45 minutes?

Firstly, explain to parents what they should expect to see in a typical Kids Yoga class. If you are working with 45 minutes, you can easily split the class into three - fifteen minute segments. You could start with warm-ups, Sun Salutations, Vinyasa flow, or a standing sequence of Yoga postures.

Then, you could introduce a Yoga game. Games create a little friendly competition and, eventually, goal setting skills start to take...more

Yoga in Practice: From Worrier to Warrior I

...>Yoga creates a state of tranquility and harmony. In contrast, worrying creates a state of restlessness, anxiety, and mindlessness.

Therefore, Yoga creates the exact opposite frame of mind. Can you get the same effect from a Yoga tape? Sorry to say, Yoga tapes and DVDs gather dust very well. You might watch one a few times, but the cat jumps on you, the kids are hungry, or somebody is calling you on the telephone.

Life is full of distractions. You can be a slave to distraction, uneasiness, worry, and less sleep, or you can take action by participating in your Yoga class. When you do not t...more

Mat Tatami Yoga