Become A Travel Agent - The Secret To Saving Up To 80% On Your Personal Travel get the same perks travel agents get, then you can now easily become a travel agent. All you have to do is to sign up with one of these travel agencies, read a training manual, receive a travel agent ID card, and you are now qualified to receive the same benefits as other travel agents.
You don't even have to quit your job and become a full time travel agent to get the same travel benefits that were previously only available to travel agents who worked in a travel agency. You can travel at up to 80% off and make some money from doing something you're going to do anywaytalk to others about the trip you just took.
In fact, everyone benefits. You benefit by receiving huge discounts. The travel agency makes money by selling more travel without expensive advertising. The hotels, cruise lines, airlines, and the rest of the travel industry make more money because they see more travelers. It all starts when you become a travel agent for one of these host travel agencies.
...moreThe Best Reviews of Travel Websites
...on of the Leading Sites" (December 21, 2005) A comprehensive 27-page download
Consumer Search: "Travel sites reviews" November 2005 Has a comparison chart of features and fees.
And here's a recent news article by travel writer, Bill McGee, in USA Today, "How to be a better online travel shopper"
Travel to North America
...see other special and very entertaining a include Niagara Falls, many different wildlife refuge and preserves, parks and monuments.
When individuals travel to North America a whole world of options open up. There are a number of interesting sights, sounds, tastes and feels that can be explored. There are many things a person can be involved in and a complete family can have an entertainment filled vacation. When individuals travel to North America, they will be enthralled and enchanted with the mysterious wonders that this continent produces.<...more
Insuring Against Terrorism When Traveling Overseas
...el", then the chances are that you will not be covered by any travel insurance policy. It is therefore a risk that you'll have to take at your own expense.
On the other hand, most insurers will provide cover if the DFAT advice is within any of the lower categories such as "reconsider your need to travel". Do watch out though, as some insurance companies will reduce the amount that they are prepared to pay in the event of a terrorist claim unde...more