
Monday, April 28, 2008

Global Warming or Global Warning?

As the Earth turns into a fiery hell exactly as the global warming alarmists predict, all of human life and human civilization will burn to a crisp on the scorched surface of the planet. Many people believe that global warming is being caused by mankind emissions of CO2 into the atmosphere.

In fact on one graph they will show you the increased in CO2 emissions from human civilizations and then they will show you another graph that charts the 1 1/2 percent increase in ambient surface temperatures on the planet over a 50 year period. Then they will say; see everyone, can see the data, obviously this is being cause by mankind?

About 6 years ago someone began tracking the sales of Prozac and began showing a chart of their sales next door to the chart of the stock market and the economy. When the sales of Prozac went up it matched the graph of the stock market. Nevertheless we know that the sales of Prozac have nothing to do whatsoever with the stock market or our nation's economy overall. And if so, just give every one Prozac to make the economy good, See everyone, can you see the data?

It should be a relatively easy consideration if you study logic and critical thinking, however apparently if the mass media says something over and over again enough times everyone will start believing it, which is completely and utterly ridiculous. But that is exactly what we have here with global warming.

Is it really global warming caused by mankind or is it more a global warning that there are cyclical changes occurring on earth with regards to our atmosphere and ambient surface temperatures? From a global warning perspective it does make sense to strengthen our civilizations and our infrastructure to handle the potential issues that lie ahead.

It does not make sense to crush our energy sector and weaken our economies over fear tactics that are completely invalid. If it is our intention to stop polluting that is a good thing. We should focus on that. Not the fear of global warming or some massive crisis that plagues the future of all living life on the service of the planet. I certainly hope this article is of interest and that is has propelled thought. The goal is simple; to help you in your quest to be the best in 2007. I thank you for reading my many articles on diverse subjects, which interest you.

"Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, washington

Yoga Books By Swami Ramdevaji

Five Tips To Stop Food Cravings

Are you trying to get rid of food cravings and having no luck? Are you plagued by sugar cravings and chocolate cravings? Do you snack more times in the day than is good for you? Would you like to reduce the amount of food you eat during your meals? Why do you have to go on a strict diet and spoil all the fun? Recent research shows that cravings may well be due to a sort of food addiction to certain chemicals contained in food but it has to be proven scientifically.

In the meantime.. craving food is much more widespread than craving nicotine, alcohol and other substances. Maybe one of the reasons you might feel like you are craving food is because you are craving the missing nutrients. It is unfortunate that craving food is part of what comes with taking certain types of medications. Also maybe the person (female) who craves food is pregnant; craving food is a symptom of being pregnant. My favourite craving food is a peanut butter and cool ranch dorito sandwich. vitamins and minerals and healthy omega 3 fats can also help you feel more energetic and you may get out and walk or exercise more often. Here are five tips that I have found useful to get rid of food cravings:-

1.If I wake up at night and am heading for the fridge, a glass of water placed strategically helps to stop me in my tracks!

2. I try to eat fruit before a main meal - let us say about half an hour beforehand. This helps to fill me up.

3. I brush my teeth straight after eating- this helps me to stop snacking afterwards- i.e. having a piece of chocolate. The minty taste of toothpaste seems to reduce my food cravings.

4. All the gurus tell you to eat slowly- well so slowly in fact that they say it takes about twenty minutes for the stomach to tell your brain that it is full! Imagine waiting 20 minutes between one helping and another! As this is hardly practical, I would just suggest you eat slowly.

5. Everybody tells us that we should NOT be doing another activity while we are eating. Why? Because apparently eating in the car or while watching TV distracts us so that we tend to eat more than if we were just giving all our attention to eating. Setting the table and making the meal an occasion helps as well.

If you want to really get to grips with a guaranteed diet and get rid of these food cravings ,visit the site below which will give you a lot of information to help you stop your food addiction and the inside scoop on dieting.

Robert Locke is an Internet Marketer specializing in Health, Wellness and Fitness.

If you want to really get to grips with a guaranteed diet and get rid of these food cravings, visit the site below which will give you a lot of information to help you stop your food addiction.

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