The Purpose Of Yoga synergistic outcome combines the more specific benefits associated with any regular exercise program, with meditation, with deep breathing, with the "exercise" or "massage" of internal organs normally ignored by standard physical activities to produce the confusing array of "positive" outcomes mentioned at the beginning of this article.
Whatever the other positive outcomes of a regular yoga practice may be, its effect on physical and mental health in general should not be ignored. Yoga has been found to have a positive effect on such conditions as asthma, respiratory difficulties, high blood pressure, pain management, back pain, arthritis, and weight loss. Psychologically, it tends to increase self awareness, create a positive self-image, and uplift the spirits of the participant. Many who come to yoga for the first time find themselves with a "new lease on life" as one practitioner put it to me and find themselves trying new experiences, finding new friends, and taking control of a life which had, up until then, been in control of them.
Apparently, yoga has the potential of being effective in many aspects of life and health, and can, in most cases at least, mold itself to your needs. It might be said that the purpose of yoga is to serve in whatever capacity it is needed.
...moreYoga - three Reasons You Should Not Do Kapalabhati Pranayama
...ons not to do Kapalabhati Pranayama:
1) If you have High blood pressure, do not practice this pranayama.
2) Anyone suffering from heart disease should not attempt Kapalabhati.
3) In case of Hernia avoid doing this breathing exercise.
Caution: Always check with your doctor if you have any doubts or concerns regarding the suitability of this breathing technique for you. It is best to perform this breathing exercise in presence of a qualified yoga teacher.
Issued in the interest of people practicing Hatha Yoga by Subodh Gupta, Yoga Expert based in London.
...moreHow to Incorporate Yoga in Your Fitness Regimen
...With the several benefits attached to yoga including increased flexibility while simultaneously increasing strength and a sound mind, its no wonder several people are interested in Yoga.
However, in spite of its benefits, several people may not want to give up on their existing fitness regimens so they ask: Well, can I combine it with the exercise I do now?
Sure, why not?
As a matter of fact this will not only supplement your current fitness training regimen, it will give it an all-around augmentation.
Heres how to include yoga in your plan ...more
Why Does the Western Public Desire Pilates?
..., chant, or pray out loud. Some people do not trust anything or anyone who is spiritual. Unfortunately, there have been a number of holy men who have violated the publics trust.
In the United States, anything spiritual has become politically incorrect. There is a movement to take, In God we Trust off US currency. The irony of this is, a few loud voices have caused the public to be hesitant about anything that could be considered remotely religious.
Hence, the Pilates instructor only has to focus on precise physical techniques and making sure students experience the physical health benefits of the Pilates Method.
Copyright 2006 Paul Jerard / Aura Publications<...more